Thursday, February 8, 2018

Lots of questions, not a lot of answers

Today was a day that we've been kind of anxious about the past week. It was our big meeting with our  future builder. We were going to discuss some final changes with our floor plan and talk numbers. (The part we were the most nervous about.)
It's not that we haven't been through the whole building process before. It's been a little less than five years since we built the house that we're in now. But this house was always meant to be a temporary home, with the understanding that eventually, we would build what we really wanted later. Our house was fine when we had a three person family, but now that we've expanded to 5, our temporary home is feeling a bit cramped.
So now it's the nerve-wrecking part where everything really has to all come together and there are so many factors that we really can't control. Would the house plan that we picked out be affordable enough for us? Will we be able to sell our current house and make some money from it? Will we even be able to keep our house clean and organized enough to have it on the market with our crazy crew? And if all of those things did work themselves out, where in the world could we rent while we're building? Lots of questions, but with no real answers. I think it's one of those things that you just have to jump into and see what happens.
So anyway, we met with the builder, and the house plan looked amazing! There were a few minor adjustments that needed to be made, but overall, I was really happy with the look of it. But then.... was the scary part... the numbers.... How much was this house of ours going to cost us?  I won't give exact numbers, but let's just say, it was more than we were hoping it would be. I'm not really sure why I was surprised. Doesn't it seem to always be that way? Everything always ends up costing more than you think it will.
So then that brings up more questions. Will we be able to afford this house? Do we need to wait longer? Should we downsize our plan? (NO! lol) Making the right decision is so important. But anyway, I know that we'll get it all figured out, and once we finish getting our current house de-cluttered and ready to sell, we can see how everything will all work out.
The next thing that's happening is my BIRTHDAY! I'm going to be the big 35. Ya know when you have to check the boxes of how old you are? They usually have 0-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-34, 35-old. I'm going to be in the 35 to old category. But my grandpa always said that you're only as old as you feel, so I'm going to ignore the gray hairs popping out all over my head, and remember how young I still feel and how blessed I am to have another year with my family.
I'm pretty excited because Mr. Hubby and I are going to go on our first, overnight date night without the kids. We don't really get to spend much time alone these days. It seems like no matter what, we always have at least one kid with us. But for my birthday, I really just wanted some time as a couple. So I took off of work for the day (quiet time, YAY!), and we're going to head to Dallas to watch the Dallas Stars and Pittsburgh Penguins game (Mr. Hubby's favorite hockey team ever). I also booked the Omni Hotel for us to stay in after, and then we'll head back in the morning. I absolutely can not wait!
It'll be my first night to ever be away from Easton. He's pretty attached to me right now, so I'm hoping he does okay. Our babysitter said that he says "mama" non-stop during the day. He said "dada" last week, but he's totally a mama's boy at heart!

Cayson has been into everything lately! I can't believe that he'll be two next month. He is the daddy's boy. Yesterday morning he threw a huge fit because Mr. Hubby had already left for work. Cayson is definitely our laughter and entertainer. I call him our little "clown". In the mornings this week, he's been having fun calling the horses that we pass "cows". We correct him and he just says, "cows" again and again. He's been talking so much lately, and it really amazes me how he can already speak in full sentences.
Here he is after he climbed into his baby walker that we have out for Easton.
 And Landon has had a fun week. He celebrated the 100th day of school, he's a money counting pro in math, and he's gotten so good at reading books on his own. His front tooth is wiggly, but he can't seem to get it to fall out yet. He loves to play games, and beat us at bowling on the Wii (like seriously.. he creams us..).  He's really growing up before my eyes, and it's hard to believe that his first grade year is already halfway over.

Well my first day as a 35 year old is going to be a busy one. I have a huge list of things to accomplish before our trip, and hopefully I'll get a little relaxing time in there too. I'm excited for a new year, and all of the amazing things to come!
I think I've been a little all over the place in the post. Maybe it's the mom-brain, or the exhaustion, but I think it's time I head to bed! Till next time...

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