Sunday, November 20, 2011


What a bad, bad mommy blogger I’ve been! I feel so awful! This blog is eventually going to become a blog book, and I haven’t written a darn thing in months! Landon, if you read this one day… just know that your mommy totally puts the PRO in PROcrastination. I’m probably the worst. Ya know when you get so behind on something, it makes it really hard it pick it back up again. That’s kinda what happened to this little ole’ blog. School started, my days and evenings got busier,  and I’m usually passed out by 9:00. I can’t miss out on some sleep. It’s something I definitely treasure since becoming a mommy.

So, to right my wrongs, and to fix the many months of my precious child’s life that I haven’t blogged about, I’ve decided to spend the next few days catching up on the past few months. It’s the perfect time too! It’s Thanksgiving break, and my itty bitty turns 10 months tomorrow! Oh MY GOODNESS! The last time I wrote… he was only 6 MONTHS OLD! That makes me feel so sad. Time is going by too fast.

So let’s start covering the past few months. We’ll start with Landon at 7 months.

Tales of a 7 month old

When I left off, school was just about to start. Well let me tell you, I had only thought that things were about to get crazy. I was getting all ready for the first day of school. My classroom was all ready, and I felt ready to tackle a classroom full of six year olds by day, and a 7 month old and Mr. Hubby by night. But that’s when Landon started feeling bad. Now, it’s usually hard for me to get sleep the night before school starts, but I never expected to be up with a sick baby!

Landon had his first fever, and Mr. Hubby and I were completely freaking out! We had no idea what to do. How high was too high?! Did we need to take his clothes off? Should we put him in the bath? Give him medicine?Take him to the emergency room?! Mr. Hubby ran over to get his mom, and she thankfully told us what to do.

Everything turned out fine in the end. Nannie (Landon’s great grandma) said that she’d keep him for the day since I couldn’t send him to daycare. But man, what a time for his first fever! I felt a lot of mommy guilt at school that first day. I hated seeing Landon sick and wished I could have stayed home and cuddled with him, but I just couldn’t miss the first day of school.

Sweet baby sleeping

Something that also stands out, is Landon’s appointment to check on his little flat head. His pediatrician noticed that his head was still a little flat in the back, and recommended that he see someone about it. Now I totally feel a ton of guilt about this. I was a terrified new parent, and I was SO scared I was going to hurt my baby if I put him on his belly. That SIDS stuff is no joke, and I probably was a little irrational. If I could go back in time, I’d put him to sleep at night on his back, but the rest of the time, he’d be on his belly!


So anyways, I took him to the people that make helmets for babies (just to see what they’d say), and they told me that they recommended that he get one.

I WAS. IN. SHOCK! Going into the appointment, I really thought that they’d say that it wasn’t that bad! So I was all prepared to get him one, when they told me that he’d have to wear it 23 hours a day for at least THREE MONTHS! Uh… NO WAY! I just couldn’t picture putting my perfectly happy baby in one of those yucky helmets all day and all night. Especially considering that it was still 104 degrees outside! Mr. Hubby wasn’t on board with it either. They said that if we couldn’t commit to keeping him in the helmet for that long, then it wasn’t worth even getting it. So we didn’t.

It was a really hard decision that I hope we don’t regret later. His head really is rounding out a lot now anyway, but I still feel bad.


We also went on another little trip to Galveston on Labor Day weekend.

Landon was all ready to go!

packin up

packing up2

This time with went with my in-laws, and did a little travel trailer camping by the beach. The weather was a little weird that weekend. The wind was blowing like crazy, so going to the beach meant that you’d end up with quite a bit of sand in your eyes, ears and mouth. I literally had to cover Landon up completely with a blanket to keep the sand from getting all over him!




toys cute

And it rained! But we still had a nice time. We were able to eat some yummy seafood, do a little shopping, and Mr. Hubby and I got to have a few baby-less outings to go to the movies and play miniature golf. Lots of fun!

Here’s my little Superman all ready for the beach in his new swim clothes!


Here he is at Joe’s Crab Shack, so fun!


Here’s Landon and his Mia!


Landon playing hide and seek. Love those little fingers!


Here I am!


So Landon’s 7th month was filled with lots of fun and new adventures.

Here are some things that I remember about Landon at 7 months old:

~He started making this weird clicking noise with his mouth, and he’d giggle whenever you’d do it back at him.

~He started growling and saying “RAWR!” (very cute and funny)

~He eats all different kinds of baby foods! Still prefers veggies over fruits.

~He threw up the turkey baby food that I gave him to try.

~Still a happy baby!

~Is very grumpy when he wakes up in the morning! He usually cries as soon as he wakes up!

~Says “dada” nonstop. I miss hearing “mama”!

~We finally gave up the nap nanny, and started putting Landon to sleep in his pack n play. This was so hard for us, but Landon did great! The nap nanny was starting to get a little dangerous. One morning I woke up, and he was totally hanging out of it!

Here are some other random pics for Landon’s 7th month!

Happy baby at Clear Springs Restaurant

clear springs

Landon “driving” my car. I know this will be a reality sooner than I can imagine. SCARY!



So cute when he’s almost naked! I think he “discovered” his ears too!



Look at that sweet boy sitting on mommy’s lap after school one day. Love the drool!


Landon proving that he knows how to use a sippy cup, but just really doesn’t want to!

sippy cup

I just had to snap this next picture. I was trying to get ready for school, and he was just looking over staring at me. Just presh!!!!


This kiddo is tolerating tummy time a little more each day. This is one of my favorite pics of him. He just looks so stinkin’ cute!


And last but not least, a sleeping pic. Now Landon was in a different position when we laid him down. It’s always fun to see what new position he’s in in the morning! That boy moves like nobody’s business! Such a sweetheart.


Well, that about wraps up the major events in Landon’s 7th month. I wish I would have documented it sooner, but better late than never. Speaking of awesome things that happened in month 7,  props to Mr. Hubby who ran his first 10k and got 11th place out of over 200! Umm, can you say awesome!? I’m a pretty proud wife, and I’m sure Landon would be very proud of his daddy too!

On a side note, today was Landon’s last day to be 9 months old. He had a great time seeing his Aunt JayJay and Uncle Scotty who came to visit this weekend. He made some yucky faces when I got him to try some gravy at breakfast, and he spent a good 45 minutes sitting outside on the sidewalk playing with leaves. That boy loves him some leaves!

Stay tuned for Month Eight tomorrow! Ahhh, it feels so good to be getting caught up! Love you Landon!

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