Saturday, November 26, 2011

Landon at 8 Months!

Okay, time to get caught up on month 8 of Landon’s little life! Can’t believe how fast these months just fly by. Slow down little boy, slow down!

At eight months, Landon loved making loud “grrrrr” noises and flexing his little arms.


Pretty stinkin cute! Landon would sit and play, but still wasn’t quite feeling tummy time, but it was getting better! He actually started staying on his belly longer, and pushing his little arms up. Tummy time is lasting 15-20 minutes now!



Here’s a picture of Landon first thing in the morning. He’s definitely not a morning person like his mama!

morning baby

One big thing that happened this month was the first appearance of TEETH!!! Landon had been acting super cranky for a week or two, and I suspected that something was up. He seemed to want to naw on things more than usual and was acting weird! He would wake up in the middle of the night crying, and I thought he might be teething.



One day, when I went to pick him up at daycare, Mrs. Brenda (his daycare teacher) asked if I had noticed that his bottom two teeth were coming in. I was a little caught off guard. I wasn’t even sure which teeth were supposed to come in first, and even thought I had suspected that he could be teething, I didn’t really know that it was actually happening! I felt kinda bad that she had noticed it before me. I felt his gums, and sure enough, you could feel the teeth trying to come through. So month 8 was a big month for Landon!

Here’s Landon with his first two teeth!!!


Landon is still a very happy baby! He’s very easily entertained, and loves playing with leaves and being outside.


Playing with leaves.


happy baby

Here’s Landon happy in the morning. It doesn’t happen often, so I had to take a picture!


Landon also started wearing 9 and some 12 month clothes. Such a big boy. I had to box up a lot of his 6 month clothes this month because he had outgrown them all.


We started giving Landon some puffs and textured baby foods this month. He doesn’t like them at all! He’ll play with the puffs and occasionally try to put them in this mouth, but gags on them quite a bit. I found textured baby foods at the store that was a little chunkier than normal baby food. He doesn’t do well with those either! He gags on every bite. He’s still not  very interested in the food that we eat yet.

long eyelashes

Landon tried clapping his hands this month. He can’t quite do it the right way though! He’ll clap his little fist into his other hand. He loves patty cake and he still loves music!

Landon’s little hand. Perfect.


Landon also tried waving bye-bye for the first time this month. He waved his whole arm and he did it twice in one day!



Fall has begun, the weather was starting to get cooler, and it’s my favorite time of year. I had to make sure that we got a pic of Landon’s little feet with the autumn leaves!


Landon’s favorite words are still “da-da”. He understands that “ba-ba” is talking about his bottle.

I love this 8 month old little cutie pie!!!!





I posted these pics on facebook and a friend said that Landon looked like a little Rocky. His daddy is so proud lol He loves Rocky!



That concludes Landon at 8 months. Another amazing month with this wonderful little baby boy of mine!!!!

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