Saturday, November 26, 2011

Pumpkins, Fall, Halloween, and 9 months old!

Landon’s 9th month was soooo much fun! So much seemed to happen!

Here’s a picture of Landon on the day that he turned 9 months old. I love this little monster!


Landon’s smile melts my heart. I’m so lucky to have him in my life!!!!


cool and happy

Landon still wasn’t pulling up on anything, but he was able to stand and lean on things without support! Just a week or two before, he’d wobble and stick his little booty out. He got good at standing fast! Daddy and I were so proud!


One thing that I knew I wanted to do with Landon was take him to a pumpkin patch for pictures!!! My mother in law and I headed over to the Christ Episcopal Pumpkin Patch for a photo shoot. We got some pretty cute shots of Landon. He was in a great mood!

Look at this little booger standing! This is my favorite picture.



landon riley



Landon with his pumpkin pail that his Mia made him.


Then some mommy and baby pics.


Mr. Hubby says that this is his favorite pic of us.


Mr. Hubby and I also got to pick out Landon’s Halloween costume! There were SO many adorable ones that it was really hard to choose! We had them narrowed down to a few, and I decided to let Mr. Hubby make the final decision. He chose the dragon costume, and I ordered it right away. When we first put Landon in his costume, he wouldn’t move his head at all with that hood on. He’d only move his eyes. It was so funny. It was a little big, but it’d work.



The daycare was having a costume contest one day, and all of the babies and kids came to school in their costumes. I was able to take off of work to go. I just couldn’t miss his first contest!

Landon was excited to see me when I came to the daycare, and seemed to be in a great mood, even in his costume. If only they would have started on time…. because I think he got a little tired of being in that thing after a while!


Now I have a mommy confession. I was totally checkin out those other babies and sizing up Landon’s competition. Is it awful that I was secretly saying “PICK LANDON! Come on!!! Win!!!” ?!?!


But hey… I always think he’s cutest. I’m his mommy after all. So finally they announced the winner, and of course… it was LANDON!!! WOOO! (I knew he’d win!)

Landon, on the other hand, was not too excited about it by that point. His nose was runny, and he wanted that thing off!


He won a little prize for winning, a toy car, and a plastic book.

We also headed back to the pumpkin patch for some pics with my friend Sarah and her baby Mason.


I just love these boys! I know they’ll be best buds.


Mr. Hubby and I had tried taking Landon to Scare on the Square downtown the weekend before Halloween. It’s a fun little event where everyone comes dressed in their costumes. There’s food, games, and even a petting zoo. Unfortunately Landon was teething. Those top two teeth were trying to make an appearance, and Landon just wasn’t feeling too hot. We went for just a bit. I knew he’d love looking at everything. He’s a people watcher. After a quick run through, we left. Maybe next year he’ll be able to enjoy it!

When Halloween came around,  I dressed Landon in a little Halloween shirt for daycare.


Since he’s a little young to trick or treat, we made plans to visit the Gayler’s (Sarah, Murphey, and baby Mason) and hang out. Before we left, we took a family picture.


Then off we went to help pass out candy at the Gayler’s. Mason was all dressed up in his pumpkin costume. I didn’t want to bother putting on Landon’s huge costume. Maybe next year!!!


So that was Landon’s very first Halloween. Lots of fun, but I bet next year will be even better!

This month, I took Landon on a little date. We went to hang out with some friends at his first Ladyjack Basketball game. I was a little worried about how he was going to react to all the loud noises. He HATES anything loud. It makes him upset and he usually cries. He hasn’t always been like that… just started happening these past few months. But he really did great! I had such an awesome time with my little man!


If you notice, Landon’s shirt is all wet. Well its not drool this time! I tried giving Landon a little water out of a regular cup to see what he’d do. And oh boy, did I create a monster! He LOVES drinking from cups like a big boy! We’re just not that good at it yet.

We also went and watched Mr. Hubby play soccer for the first time. Landon absolutely loved being outside and spent the game picking pieces of grass and playing in the dirt!


This is how Landon watches Sunday football! Cutie!!!


Last but not least, we took Landon to the zoo for the very first time. It was an unusually warm Sunday afternoon, and perfect weather. Landon was more interested in the people than the animals, but we still had fun, and even rode the train!



I think he had a great day at the zoo!

funat the zoo

Here are some more random pics for Landon’s 9th month!!! Enjoy!







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