Sunday, May 1, 2011


I can't believe that today is the first day of May! Time is just flying by, and sometimes I wish I could slow it down a bit!  I've been thinking back on the past three months with Landon, and I'm so mad at myself for not starting this blog sooner! My baby has changed so much, and I wish I would have been documenting every moment! But honestly, who knows if I would have written much anyway. Having a newborn is very time consuming! So I've been reminiscing lately about some of the mistakes, and some of the proud moments that I've had since becoming a mommy. And yes, there have been quite a few mistakes already! Things that made me laugh, and of course, things that made me want to cry! Here are just a few of the things that stand out in my mind at the moment...

#1 Tales of a Bottle
I had finally gotten my baby boy home from the hospital, and it was time to give him a bottle.  I tried to put it in his mouth, when I realized I had no clue how to give a baby a bottle. Something that seemed so basic, suddenly seemed so scary. Do I only put a little bit of the nipple in his mouth? Do I put in the whole thing? How much formula do I make him? How much does he drink at a time? When do I need to burp him? I freaked out. I realized I had know idea what I was doing! This poor helpless baby had come home with morons who didn't even know how to feed him a bottle. I put the bottle in his mouth and he seemed to gag a little on it. I burst into tears (stupid hormones) and called my neighbor. She kindly gave me some basic tips on the art of bottlefeeding, and calmed me down. I'm still thankful for her to this day. We now have the bottle thing down. ;)

#2 Tales of a Dirty Diaper (Warning: may be a little gross and disturbing )
Dirty diapers are a give in when you have a baby. When you're a mommy of a baby boy, you try to heed all the warnings that come with changing them.  I never realized how often I would get soaked! Whatever, it happens.  But the most disturbing time happened one night... probably around 2 or 3 am. That was the night of the "Projectile Poop!" Yes, completely gross, but completely shocking to me! Who knew that poop could be projectile anyway?! One moment I was bending over to get a new diaper, and the next thing I knew, I was covered... shirt, pajama pants, socks, ahhhh. It was horrible! I'm pretty sure I just stood there in complete shock, and then cried as I cleaned myself up. Gross!

#3 Tales of a Medication Blunder
So Landon had been having some issues with acid relux.  It was awful! I took him to the pediatrician who prescribed him two meds. Well, when I went to pick up the meds, the lady a the counter asked me if I wanted to pay two extra dollars for a syringe to use with it. I was very excited about this "special" syringe and purchased it. When I got home, the syringe looked huge, but I didn't think much of it. I put in 8mL and began giving it to my baby. My mother-in-law called and asked how he was doing, and I mentioned how hard it was giving him that much medicine at a time. She seemed to think that was strange and I told her about the big syringes. After we hung up the phone, I looked at the syringe again... it said 8 mL, then I looked at the medicine bottle, and my heart almost stopped... it said to give him .8mL. How could I have missed the point?! I had just given my baby over 100 times the dose that he was supposed to have. I felt like a complete idiot! Had I just accidentally poisened my baby? I called my mother-in-law and told her what I had done. Luckily, the pediatrician said he would be fine, and I really don't think that most of it got in his mouth anyway... but can you say Worst Mommy of the Year award?! Yep, that's me! I definetely double and triple check the labels from now on. Lesson learned. And I don't use any more of those stupid "special" syringes either!

#4 Tales of the Non-gassy Smile
This has got to be one of the best moments that I've had so far! Landon had just turned exactly 2 months old that day, and he decided to reward me with a smile! Yes, a REAL smile! Not one of those "Is it just gas?" smiles or one of those "Sleeping but happy" smiles. It was a full, all out grin for his mommy! And when I kept talking to him, the smile just kept getting bigger and bigger! I couldn't believe it! My tiny baby was finally becoming a little person with a personality. He was actually interacting with me! Such an amazing mommy moment to remember. I'll never forget it.

So being a mommy has had it's interesting moments. Of course, those were just a few of the crazy things that have happened. I think it's all about realizing that you're not going to be the perfect parent all of the time, and giving yourself some room to make mistakes and learn from them. I love my little man, and all that he has brought to my life. :)

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