How can you be four months old already? How is that even possible!? You are growing so fast, and becoming such a big boy. I've already had to pack away so many of your cute little clothes. It was hard to clean out your drawers and replace them with bigger clothes. I can't believe that they don't fit you anymore, and it's hard to believe that you were once so small!
You have been changing so much. Your new favorite pasttime is chewing and sucking on your hands! You do that all day and night. Sometimes you suck on them so hard, the noise makes daddy and I laugh. I've also nicknamed you "The Drool-Monster" because you have tons of drool dripping down your mouth all day long. It usually ends up all over mommy's clothes or hair, but I don't mind! You've also started laughing and cackling. Its got to be the cutest darn thing I've ever heard! I don't know what it is exactly that makes you laugh so hard, but you're so easily entertained and I love it!
You still don't like tummy time very much. It makes you pretty mad! You get upset and then decide to holler! Not really crying crying, but just making lots of noise. Mommy doesn't mean to make you mad, and I'm sure you'll like it one of these days.

You've also become such a talker Little Man! You love to make all kinds of noises and sounds, and love when people talk to you so that you can talk back! You're so social and love people. You give everyone around you the biggest grins. It's so easy to make you smile! You are such a happy baby, with a great personality, and I'm so blessed!
We've had to start putting some rice cereal in your bottles yesterday because you were getting hungry in the middle of the night! Those bottles were just not cutting it for you, so you're a lot happier now, and mommy is too! Another cute little thing that you've started doing recently is rubbing your head! It looks like you're trying to think of something and you sit there and just rub and move your little fingers on it. Too cute!
Landon, I just can't believe that you're a four month old already. My time with you has been the best, and I'm so proud to be your mommy! I'm thankful every day that I have you in my life. It's been the best four months ever!!!
Your mommy :)
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