So the end of school is almost here! It's my favorite time of the year!! School is winding down, and now I'm going to get to spend this summer with my baby boy! So exciting!
This morning was a little crazy. I was getting everything ready for Field Day today with my first graders at school. I had to run around and make sure that my lunch was packed, drinks were in the cooler, etc, etc. I also had on my brand new Field Day shirt that all of the teachers and students were going to wear today. Very fun! I love wearing new shirts, and I buy every school shirt that I can get my hands on! Well anyways, I had finally gotten all of my things together, Landon was all dressed and ready, and I was holding him and headed to put him in his carseat when... BLAHHHHHHH!!!!!! Landon has a MASSIVE spit up episode... all over the floor, his clothes, my shoes, and my brand new Field Day t-shirt. I stood there in shock, like I usually do when things like that happen. Out of all the days, and all the shirts, it would have to be the day when I can't change clothes!!!!
So anyway, I put my sweet baby down, who was just smiling up at me like a little angel, and went to work on my shirt. It was too late to wash it and dry it, so I rubbed it with some water, grabbed my Shout lint roller and rubbed it down (I didnt have any drier sheets on hand and I wanted it to smell better), and threw it in the drier. After it was done, I put the lint roller on it some more, and sprayed it down with perfume. Ahhh stressful morning, but it all turned out fine in the end. No one could even tell that it had had anything on it, and I matched all my little first graders.
Oh the joys of mommyhood!!! I love you Landon! Even when you spit up all over mommy's school shirt!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Four months and marvelous!
My sweet little baby,
How can you be four months old already? How is that even possible!? You are growing so fast, and becoming such a big boy. I've already had to pack away so many of your cute little clothes. It was hard to clean out your drawers and replace them with bigger clothes. I can't believe that they don't fit you anymore, and it's hard to believe that you were once so small!
You have been changing so much. Your new favorite pasttime is chewing and sucking on your hands! You do that all day and night. Sometimes you suck on them so hard, the noise makes daddy and I laugh. I've also nicknamed you "The Drool-Monster" because you have tons of drool dripping down your mouth all day long. It usually ends up all over mommy's clothes or hair, but I don't mind! You've also started laughing and cackling. Its got to be the cutest darn thing I've ever heard! I don't know what it is exactly that makes you laugh so hard, but you're so easily entertained and I love it!
You still don't like tummy time very much. It makes you pretty mad! You get upset and then decide to holler! Not really crying crying, but just making lots of noise. Mommy doesn't mean to make you mad, and I'm sure you'll like it one of these days.

I was very proud of you and daddy this week. Daddy watched you for the first time all by himself. You were such a good boy for daddy, and I think he really enjoyed the bonding time with you without mommy being around. Every night, Daddy gives you a bath, and you love it SO much! He's taught you how to kick your little legs in the water, and you have the best time splashing water all over the bathroom. You really get into it, and it's got to be the cutest thing ever!
You've also become such a talker Little Man! You love to make all kinds of noises and sounds, and love when people talk to you so that you can talk back! You're so social and love people. You give everyone around you the biggest grins. It's so easy to make you smile! You are such a happy baby, with a great personality, and I'm so blessed!
How can you be four months old already? How is that even possible!? You are growing so fast, and becoming such a big boy. I've already had to pack away so many of your cute little clothes. It was hard to clean out your drawers and replace them with bigger clothes. I can't believe that they don't fit you anymore, and it's hard to believe that you were once so small!
You have been changing so much. Your new favorite pasttime is chewing and sucking on your hands! You do that all day and night. Sometimes you suck on them so hard, the noise makes daddy and I laugh. I've also nicknamed you "The Drool-Monster" because you have tons of drool dripping down your mouth all day long. It usually ends up all over mommy's clothes or hair, but I don't mind! You've also started laughing and cackling. Its got to be the cutest darn thing I've ever heard! I don't know what it is exactly that makes you laugh so hard, but you're so easily entertained and I love it!
You still don't like tummy time very much. It makes you pretty mad! You get upset and then decide to holler! Not really crying crying, but just making lots of noise. Mommy doesn't mean to make you mad, and I'm sure you'll like it one of these days.

You've also become such a talker Little Man! You love to make all kinds of noises and sounds, and love when people talk to you so that you can talk back! You're so social and love people. You give everyone around you the biggest grins. It's so easy to make you smile! You are such a happy baby, with a great personality, and I'm so blessed!
We've had to start putting some rice cereal in your bottles yesterday because you were getting hungry in the middle of the night! Those bottles were just not cutting it for you, so you're a lot happier now, and mommy is too! Another cute little thing that you've started doing recently is rubbing your head! It looks like you're trying to think of something and you sit there and just rub and move your little fingers on it. Too cute!
Landon, I just can't believe that you're a four month old already. My time with you has been the best, and I'm so proud to be your mommy! I'm thankful every day that I have you in my life. It's been the best four months ever!!!
Your mommy :)
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Rough Evening...
Today has been a little blah! I didn't do much this Saturday. Mostly just hung out with my baby sister, which was fun.
My husband worked and played golf, and I was really excited to go out to dinner this evening. Well, my sweet baby decided that that was NOT on his agenda. Less than one minute after we sat down in the restaurant, he started screaming. Now, my baby was not a colic baby, and actually rarely cries or screams, so its kind of alarming for him to act that way. He screamed so loud that I had to quickly make my way out of the restaurant, tried to comfort him outside, and eventually had to hide out in the car because he was so loud! I have no idea what's wrong. He did this three times yesterday, but this was my first time to witness it first hand. Hope he's okay... he's sound asleep now. We just don't know what's causing it... what in the world is going on with my normally happy child! Hope we get it figured out soon. I'm off to bed now, I'm exhausted!
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Landon and my little sis |
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
My first Mother's Day!
Life has been SO crazy lately. I can't believe that I'm just getting to write about this now. Between teaching, trying to sell our house, and spending time with Landon, I've just been Busy BuSY BUSY! Can't wait till I get to relax this summer!
Anyway, I had the BEST Mother's Day! If you told me a year ago that I would be celebrating Mother's Day, I probably wouldn't have believed you! The day started off with my sweet hubby giving me a very touching card. He always knows the right words to say to make me feel special! Then I got my new camera!!!! That camera was awesome and really easy to use. I had fun taking pictures of my most favorite thing in the world, LANDON! Luckily, he was a very good sport. :)
Then we headed to my in-laws for a big breakfast made by my mother-in-law! Any breakfast that I don't have to cook, is a great one. Cooking is not exactly my forte.
After our tummies were full, we decided to take a few family pictures outside to document the occasion. We got some pretty good ones!
Then Landon got to get on his grandpa AKA "Mister's" new motorcycle! It was so cute!
Later on that day, I made Jonathan snap a few photos of Landon and myself with my new camera! I love my baby boy!
What a fantastic day with my guys! I loved my first Mother's Day!
Anyway, I had the BEST Mother's Day! If you told me a year ago that I would be celebrating Mother's Day, I probably wouldn't have believed you! The day started off with my sweet hubby giving me a very touching card. He always knows the right words to say to make me feel special! Then I got my new camera!!!! That camera was awesome and really easy to use. I had fun taking pictures of my most favorite thing in the world, LANDON! Luckily, he was a very good sport. :)
Landon was all smiles for mommy on Mother's Day! |
Then we headed to my in-laws for a big breakfast made by my mother-in-law! Any breakfast that I don't have to cook, is a great one. Cooking is not exactly my forte.
After our tummies were full, we decided to take a few family pictures outside to document the occasion. We got some pretty good ones!
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My little family! |
Later on that day, I made Jonathan snap a few photos of Landon and myself with my new camera! I love my baby boy!
Love this baby! |
My guys :) |
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Best Day of My Life!
Since Mother's Day is tomorrow, I've been thinking a lot about the day that I became a mommy! But first, lets rewind to the weekend before!
I was 35 weeks pregnant and trying to get a few things for my hospital bag that weekend. I didn't feel prepared for the baby at all, even though I wasn't due for another month. On the way home from the store, I realized that I had forgotten to get some things that I needed. I felt frantic and started crying. My husband looked at me like I was a little strange (I know he thought I was completely insane at that point), and then tried to tell me that we'd get the rest of the things next weekend. Because, of course, we still had plenty of time. It didn't make me feel better though. Then I went into turbo-cleaning and decorating mode. I kept telling my husband that our house didn't feel "homey" enough, and I went on a mad tear through the house, cleaning, straightening, reorganizing, and decorating. I knew I seemed like a complete psycho, but I didn't care. I was on a mission, and it was going to get done! (Uh can you say NESTING?!)
After the weekend, I had a doctor's appointment that Monday, right before I turned 36 weeks. I was so excited because it was the first of my weekly appointments. That just meant I was getting closer to having my baby here with me. When I went to the doctor, I found out that I was 2-3 cm dilated and 75% effaced. I was pretty excited! To me, that meant progress! My doctor said I definitely wouldn't be making it to my due date of February 15th (my hubby's bday), and to call him if I started having any contractions.
Fast forward to that Friday (Jan.21st). I felt a little off that morning... like something was just different. I told my husband that I wondered if my water was starting to break, but then just kind of blew off the idea. It was only January 21st, and I wasn't due for another 3 weeks! Plus, my bag wasn't finished, and my hubs told me that we would finish it that weekend! I went to work (I'm a first grade teacher), and started questioning my co-workers about their water breaking. Of course, everyone had different experiences, and several didn't have their water break at all. I went through the school day still feeling a little strange. I even told my principal that I felt weird, and I wondered if my water was starting to break. I kept feeling little gushes, but I still didn't really know.
Later that afternoon, I felt a much bigger gush and started to get a little worried. Every time I would stand up, I would gush some more. I went ahead and finished out the work day, and then headed home. I called my friend, and she said that I might want to call labor and delivery and see if they wanted me to come in.
The nurses at the hospital told me to come in and get checked out, and I called my husband to let him know that I was heading to the hospital, and I'd tell him if I found out anything. He had a soccer game that evening, (he's a head girl's soccer coach in a town about 45 minutes away), and I didn't want him rushing home if it was just a false alarm.
Now, you spend nine months thinking about what's going to happen when you go into labor. In my mind, I pictured a gush of water, hard contractions, limping to the car in anticipation, my husband loading up my hospital bag and driving me to the hospital.... That is SO NOT how it happened though...
After talking to the nurses, I put a few things in my unfinished hospital bag, loaded myself into the car, and calmly drove myself to the hospital. (yeah.. NO huge gush, NO contractions at all, NO limping, NO Husband loading my FINISHED hospital bag and driving me to the hospital.) I went up to the the Labor and Delivery unit alone to the stunned sight of my nurses. They asked if I was alone and if anyone else was coming, and I told them no. I was actually worried that it was just a false alarm, and I didn't want to have to head home embarrassed. They gave me a hospital gown and told me to lay down, and they would check me out.
So there I was, lying in the hospital bed alone, watching TLC's Say Yes To the Dress, waiting to see if my water had broken. I felt strangely calm.The nurses came back saying that they were pretty sure that my water had broken, and when they checked me out, I was 3-4 cm dilated and 90-95% effaced! They called my doctor, had me fill out some paperwork, and hooked me up to IV's. To my shock, I was there to stay! I called my husband to let him know he should head over to the hospital, and then I think I just layed there in shock, feeling the tiny kicks of my baby Landon, and letting the realization rush over me that I would be able to hold my baby boy very soon!
I have to say, that I was very lucky with this pregnancy and my labor and delivery experience. The worst part of being pregnant for me, was just the constant morning sickness for the first few months. After that, it was all a breeze! I was a little worried about the whole labor and delivery stuff. After watching episode after episode of A Baby Story (OMG I always managed to watch the scariest ones where the women were screaming and something always went wrong), and those awful 1980's videos of labor in my childbirth classes, its safe to say that I was a tad apprehensive! Luckily, as everything else in this baby adventure, it was nothing like I thought it would be!
I had arrived at the hospital at about 4:30pm, and my doctor stopped by to check me out at 5:30. (I have the BEST doctor. He wasn't even on call that weekend, but came up to deliver my baby anyway. He's the best!) He decided to start a pitosin drip to get the contractions going, and said I'd have the baby before the end of the night! Crazy stuff! My husband arrived short after, followed by our families and friends.
Now, I've been to the birth of my sister's babies, and I felt like I knew what was in store for me. I told my husband beforehand that there was lots and lots of waiting involved with labor. And of course, like everything else, I was SO wrong!
My contractions started soon after the pitosin, I got an epidural around 6:20. (Those epi's are the most AMAZING things ever!!!!! I could still feel my feet and legs and move them, but no pain. Wonderful.) By 7:30pm I was 6 cm dilated, at 8:30 I was 8 cm... our parents had all left to get food, and we actually had to call them to come back to the hospital because the doctor said I'd be pushing in less than an hour! Time was flying by, and by 9:15 pm, I was ready to push!
Pushing was also not like I expected. The AMAZING epidural was working wonderfully, and my husband, doctor, and nurses kept me laughing the whole way through.
Then, the best moment of my life! Landon Riley was born at 10:04 p.m. He was 6 pounds 12 1/2 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. He had ten perfect, little fingers and toes, and was a spitting image of his daddy. I had just become a mother. I looked at my baby in disbelief. This was the little person that had been rolling around inside me just a few hours earlier! He was my child, my baby, and had just made me the happiest person in the world! I could not feel more blessed! I love my little family!
I was 35 weeks pregnant and trying to get a few things for my hospital bag that weekend. I didn't feel prepared for the baby at all, even though I wasn't due for another month. On the way home from the store, I realized that I had forgotten to get some things that I needed. I felt frantic and started crying. My husband looked at me like I was a little strange (I know he thought I was completely insane at that point), and then tried to tell me that we'd get the rest of the things next weekend. Because, of course, we still had plenty of time. It didn't make me feel better though. Then I went into turbo-cleaning and decorating mode. I kept telling my husband that our house didn't feel "homey" enough, and I went on a mad tear through the house, cleaning, straightening, reorganizing, and decorating. I knew I seemed like a complete psycho, but I didn't care. I was on a mission, and it was going to get done! (Uh can you say NESTING?!)
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My big belly.. taken that crazy weekend :) |
After the weekend, I had a doctor's appointment that Monday, right before I turned 36 weeks. I was so excited because it was the first of my weekly appointments. That just meant I was getting closer to having my baby here with me. When I went to the doctor, I found out that I was 2-3 cm dilated and 75% effaced. I was pretty excited! To me, that meant progress! My doctor said I definitely wouldn't be making it to my due date of February 15th (my hubby's bday), and to call him if I started having any contractions.
Fast forward to that Friday (Jan.21st). I felt a little off that morning... like something was just different. I told my husband that I wondered if my water was starting to break, but then just kind of blew off the idea. It was only January 21st, and I wasn't due for another 3 weeks! Plus, my bag wasn't finished, and my hubs told me that we would finish it that weekend! I went to work (I'm a first grade teacher), and started questioning my co-workers about their water breaking. Of course, everyone had different experiences, and several didn't have their water break at all. I went through the school day still feeling a little strange. I even told my principal that I felt weird, and I wondered if my water was starting to break. I kept feeling little gushes, but I still didn't really know.
Later that afternoon, I felt a much bigger gush and started to get a little worried. Every time I would stand up, I would gush some more. I went ahead and finished out the work day, and then headed home. I called my friend, and she said that I might want to call labor and delivery and see if they wanted me to come in.
The nurses at the hospital told me to come in and get checked out, and I called my husband to let him know that I was heading to the hospital, and I'd tell him if I found out anything. He had a soccer game that evening, (he's a head girl's soccer coach in a town about 45 minutes away), and I didn't want him rushing home if it was just a false alarm.
Now, you spend nine months thinking about what's going to happen when you go into labor. In my mind, I pictured a gush of water, hard contractions, limping to the car in anticipation, my husband loading up my hospital bag and driving me to the hospital.... That is SO NOT how it happened though...
After talking to the nurses, I put a few things in my unfinished hospital bag, loaded myself into the car, and calmly drove myself to the hospital. (yeah.. NO huge gush, NO contractions at all, NO limping, NO Husband loading my FINISHED hospital bag and driving me to the hospital.) I went up to the the Labor and Delivery unit alone to the stunned sight of my nurses. They asked if I was alone and if anyone else was coming, and I told them no. I was actually worried that it was just a false alarm, and I didn't want to have to head home embarrassed. They gave me a hospital gown and told me to lay down, and they would check me out.
So there I was, lying in the hospital bed alone, watching TLC's Say Yes To the Dress, waiting to see if my water had broken. I felt strangely calm.The nurses came back saying that they were pretty sure that my water had broken, and when they checked me out, I was 3-4 cm dilated and 90-95% effaced! They called my doctor, had me fill out some paperwork, and hooked me up to IV's. To my shock, I was there to stay! I called my husband to let him know he should head over to the hospital, and then I think I just layed there in shock, feeling the tiny kicks of my baby Landon, and letting the realization rush over me that I would be able to hold my baby boy very soon!
I have to say, that I was very lucky with this pregnancy and my labor and delivery experience. The worst part of being pregnant for me, was just the constant morning sickness for the first few months. After that, it was all a breeze! I was a little worried about the whole labor and delivery stuff. After watching episode after episode of A Baby Story (OMG I always managed to watch the scariest ones where the women were screaming and something always went wrong), and those awful 1980's videos of labor in my childbirth classes, its safe to say that I was a tad apprehensive! Luckily, as everything else in this baby adventure, it was nothing like I thought it would be!
I had arrived at the hospital at about 4:30pm, and my doctor stopped by to check me out at 5:30. (I have the BEST doctor. He wasn't even on call that weekend, but came up to deliver my baby anyway. He's the best!) He decided to start a pitosin drip to get the contractions going, and said I'd have the baby before the end of the night! Crazy stuff! My husband arrived short after, followed by our families and friends.
Now, I've been to the birth of my sister's babies, and I felt like I knew what was in store for me. I told my husband beforehand that there was lots and lots of waiting involved with labor. And of course, like everything else, I was SO wrong!
My contractions started soon after the pitosin, I got an epidural around 6:20. (Those epi's are the most AMAZING things ever!!!!! I could still feel my feet and legs and move them, but no pain. Wonderful.) By 7:30pm I was 6 cm dilated, at 8:30 I was 8 cm... our parents had all left to get food, and we actually had to call them to come back to the hospital because the doctor said I'd be pushing in less than an hour! Time was flying by, and by 9:15 pm, I was ready to push!
Pushing was also not like I expected. The AMAZING epidural was working wonderfully, and my husband, doctor, and nurses kept me laughing the whole way through.
Then, the best moment of my life! Landon Riley was born at 10:04 p.m. He was 6 pounds 12 1/2 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. He had ten perfect, little fingers and toes, and was a spitting image of his daddy. I had just become a mother. I looked at my baby in disbelief. This was the little person that had been rolling around inside me just a few hours earlier! He was my child, my baby, and had just made me the happiest person in the world! I could not feel more blessed! I love my little family!
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Landon Riley! |
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My precious baby |
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Can I put time in the freezer?
My baby is officially getting bigger. I mean.. I always knew he was growing, but last night and today I had proof! :( When daddy tried to put his 0-3 month pajamas on.. they were sadly too small. Then this morning was an unusually chilly Texas morning. I was actually able to put on one of his 3-6 month outfits that I never thought that I'd be able to use because it has long-sleeves. (I didn't think about the fact that it would feel like summer in Texas by April/May, so I really thought he'd never be able to wear them). So anyways, I pulled out the outfit, put it on him... and it FIT, perfectly. I guess I just expected it to be too big. It was exciting but kinda sad. Just made me face the realization that this baby stage is going to fly by! It's so fun watching Landon grow and change, but it makes me sad to see how fast it's going. Sometimes I wish I could just freeze time!
Then later today he actually enjoyed his tummy time! No screaming, no falling asleep or sucking on his hand like he's been doing lately. Just another sign that he's growing up.
Then I gave my cutie a teething toy, just to see what he'd do. He doesn't really understand that he's holding something yet I don't think, but he did put it in his mouth! I don't know if he's really teething yet, but he's been eating his hands like crazy and sometimes has TONS of drool. So I thought I'd give it to him to see what would happen.
So anyway, I'm happy my little boy is growing and thriving! I love him more than anything, and it's so fun to watch all of these moments in his little life!
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Looking so handsome in his 3-6 month outfit! |
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Tummy time! |
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Chew toy |
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His hands are still his favorite though! |
So anyway, I'm happy my little boy is growing and thriving! I love him more than anything, and it's so fun to watch all of these moments in his little life!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Just another manic monday...
Today has been a little weird. I woke up almost an hour late this morning. My hubby says he woke me up, but obviously I was still asleep considering I was dreaming the whole time, and well.. still laying there with my eyes closed! I spent the morning rushing around. Poor Landon didn't know what was going on! I usually get up really early so I can feed and cuddle him for a while before I go to work, and still have plenty of time to get myself ready too. We're still trying to get the hang of things since I started back to work two weeks ago. I think Landon knew something was up, because he was VERY unhappy and screamed most of the morning. Poor baby!
When I went to pick him up this afternoon, he had his bottom lip all puckered out. It's his thing that he's been doing lately. So cute, and so funny looking! He would smile, then pucker his lip out again like he didn't know whether he wanted to be happy or sad.
This pic wasn't this morning, but you get the picture!
Later this afternoon I went and picked out some maternity clothes from my sweet neighbor. I know, Landon's only 3 months old, and I'm already thinking about maternity clothes again. Is that crazy? I know I'd like to have another one soon. Maybe when Landon's about two years old. We'll see, but at least I'll be prepared right? And have some cute things to wear next time!
Landon was being super fussy this evening. He was fed and changed but just being a complete stinker, so I layed him down in my room and he immediately stopped crying. I don't think he's had much of a nap today, so he's pretty tired. Well anyway, I'm sitting here writing this post and I hear this weird noise coming from his room. I went to check on him, and he had almost his whole hand in his mouth and was sucking away. Boy, was that loud! I was a little worried!
I feel like I'm just going on and on, so I guess I'll get going. Hoping Tuesday treats me better than Monday!
When I went to pick him up this afternoon, he had his bottom lip all puckered out. It's his thing that he's been doing lately. So cute, and so funny looking! He would smile, then pucker his lip out again like he didn't know whether he wanted to be happy or sad.
This pic wasn't this morning, but you get the picture!
Later this afternoon I went and picked out some maternity clothes from my sweet neighbor. I know, Landon's only 3 months old, and I'm already thinking about maternity clothes again. Is that crazy? I know I'd like to have another one soon. Maybe when Landon's about two years old. We'll see, but at least I'll be prepared right? And have some cute things to wear next time!
Landon was being super fussy this evening. He was fed and changed but just being a complete stinker, so I layed him down in my room and he immediately stopped crying. I don't think he's had much of a nap today, so he's pretty tired. Well anyway, I'm sitting here writing this post and I hear this weird noise coming from his room. I went to check on him, and he had almost his whole hand in his mouth and was sucking away. Boy, was that loud! I was a little worried!
I feel like I'm just going on and on, so I guess I'll get going. Hoping Tuesday treats me better than Monday!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
I can't believe that today is the first day of May! Time is just flying by, and sometimes I wish I could slow it down a bit! I've been thinking back on the past three months with Landon, and I'm so mad at myself for not starting this blog sooner! My baby has changed so much, and I wish I would have been documenting every moment! But honestly, who knows if I would have written much anyway. Having a newborn is very time consuming! So I've been reminiscing lately about some of the mistakes, and some of the proud moments that I've had since becoming a mommy. And yes, there have been quite a few mistakes already! Things that made me laugh, and of course, things that made me want to cry! Here are just a few of the things that stand out in my mind at the moment...
#1 Tales of a Bottle
I had finally gotten my baby boy home from the hospital, and it was time to give him a bottle. I tried to put it in his mouth, when I realized I had no clue how to give a baby a bottle. Something that seemed so basic, suddenly seemed so scary. Do I only put a little bit of the nipple in his mouth? Do I put in the whole thing? How much formula do I make him? How much does he drink at a time? When do I need to burp him? I freaked out. I realized I had know idea what I was doing! This poor helpless baby had come home with morons who didn't even know how to feed him a bottle. I put the bottle in his mouth and he seemed to gag a little on it. I burst into tears (stupid hormones) and called my neighbor. She kindly gave me some basic tips on the art of bottlefeeding, and calmed me down. I'm still thankful for her to this day. We now have the bottle thing down. ;)
#2 Tales of a Dirty Diaper (Warning: may be a little gross and disturbing )
Dirty diapers are a give in when you have a baby. When you're a mommy of a baby boy, you try to heed all the warnings that come with changing them. I never realized how often I would get soaked! Whatever, it happens. But the most disturbing time happened one night... probably around 2 or 3 am. That was the night of the "Projectile Poop!" Yes, completely gross, but completely shocking to me! Who knew that poop could be projectile anyway?! One moment I was bending over to get a new diaper, and the next thing I knew, I was covered... shirt, pajama pants, socks, ahhhh. It was horrible! I'm pretty sure I just stood there in complete shock, and then cried as I cleaned myself up. Gross!
#3 Tales of a Medication Blunder
So Landon had been having some issues with acid relux. It was awful! I took him to the pediatrician who prescribed him two meds. Well, when I went to pick up the meds, the lady a the counter asked me if I wanted to pay two extra dollars for a syringe to use with it. I was very excited about this "special" syringe and purchased it. When I got home, the syringe looked huge, but I didn't think much of it. I put in 8mL and began giving it to my baby. My mother-in-law called and asked how he was doing, and I mentioned how hard it was giving him that much medicine at a time. She seemed to think that was strange and I told her about the big syringes. After we hung up the phone, I looked at the syringe again... it said 8 mL, then I looked at the medicine bottle, and my heart almost stopped... it said to give him .8mL. How could I have missed the point?! I had just given my baby over 100 times the dose that he was supposed to have. I felt like a complete idiot! Had I just accidentally poisened my baby? I called my mother-in-law and told her what I had done. Luckily, the pediatrician said he would be fine, and I really don't think that most of it got in his mouth anyway... but can you say Worst Mommy of the Year award?! Yep, that's me! I definetely double and triple check the labels from now on. Lesson learned. And I don't use any more of those stupid "special" syringes either!
#4 Tales of the Non-gassy Smile
This has got to be one of the best moments that I've had so far! Landon had just turned exactly 2 months old that day, and he decided to reward me with a smile! Yes, a REAL smile! Not one of those "Is it just gas?" smiles or one of those "Sleeping but happy" smiles. It was a full, all out grin for his mommy! And when I kept talking to him, the smile just kept getting bigger and bigger! I couldn't believe it! My tiny baby was finally becoming a little person with a personality. He was actually interacting with me! Such an amazing mommy moment to remember. I'll never forget it.
So being a mommy has had it's interesting moments. Of course, those were just a few of the crazy things that have happened. I think it's all about realizing that you're not going to be the perfect parent all of the time, and giving yourself some room to make mistakes and learn from them. I love my little man, and all that he has brought to my life. :)
#1 Tales of a Bottle
I had finally gotten my baby boy home from the hospital, and it was time to give him a bottle. I tried to put it in his mouth, when I realized I had no clue how to give a baby a bottle. Something that seemed so basic, suddenly seemed so scary. Do I only put a little bit of the nipple in his mouth? Do I put in the whole thing? How much formula do I make him? How much does he drink at a time? When do I need to burp him? I freaked out. I realized I had know idea what I was doing! This poor helpless baby had come home with morons who didn't even know how to feed him a bottle. I put the bottle in his mouth and he seemed to gag a little on it. I burst into tears (stupid hormones) and called my neighbor. She kindly gave me some basic tips on the art of bottlefeeding, and calmed me down. I'm still thankful for her to this day. We now have the bottle thing down. ;)
#2 Tales of a Dirty Diaper (Warning: may be a little gross and disturbing )
Dirty diapers are a give in when you have a baby. When you're a mommy of a baby boy, you try to heed all the warnings that come with changing them. I never realized how often I would get soaked! Whatever, it happens. But the most disturbing time happened one night... probably around 2 or 3 am. That was the night of the "Projectile Poop!" Yes, completely gross, but completely shocking to me! Who knew that poop could be projectile anyway?! One moment I was bending over to get a new diaper, and the next thing I knew, I was covered... shirt, pajama pants, socks, ahhhh. It was horrible! I'm pretty sure I just stood there in complete shock, and then cried as I cleaned myself up. Gross!
#3 Tales of a Medication Blunder
So Landon had been having some issues with acid relux. It was awful! I took him to the pediatrician who prescribed him two meds. Well, when I went to pick up the meds, the lady a the counter asked me if I wanted to pay two extra dollars for a syringe to use with it. I was very excited about this "special" syringe and purchased it. When I got home, the syringe looked huge, but I didn't think much of it. I put in 8mL and began giving it to my baby. My mother-in-law called and asked how he was doing, and I mentioned how hard it was giving him that much medicine at a time. She seemed to think that was strange and I told her about the big syringes. After we hung up the phone, I looked at the syringe again... it said 8 mL, then I looked at the medicine bottle, and my heart almost stopped... it said to give him .8mL. How could I have missed the point?! I had just given my baby over 100 times the dose that he was supposed to have. I felt like a complete idiot! Had I just accidentally poisened my baby? I called my mother-in-law and told her what I had done. Luckily, the pediatrician said he would be fine, and I really don't think that most of it got in his mouth anyway... but can you say Worst Mommy of the Year award?! Yep, that's me! I definetely double and triple check the labels from now on. Lesson learned. And I don't use any more of those stupid "special" syringes either!
#4 Tales of the Non-gassy Smile
This has got to be one of the best moments that I've had so far! Landon had just turned exactly 2 months old that day, and he decided to reward me with a smile! Yes, a REAL smile! Not one of those "Is it just gas?" smiles or one of those "Sleeping but happy" smiles. It was a full, all out grin for his mommy! And when I kept talking to him, the smile just kept getting bigger and bigger! I couldn't believe it! My tiny baby was finally becoming a little person with a personality. He was actually interacting with me! Such an amazing mommy moment to remember. I'll never forget it.
So being a mommy has had it's interesting moments. Of course, those were just a few of the crazy things that have happened. I think it's all about realizing that you're not going to be the perfect parent all of the time, and giving yourself some room to make mistakes and learn from them. I love my little man, and all that he has brought to my life. :)
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