Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Chaos and teethies

This evening was one of those crazy, chaotic, one thing after another kind of evenings. (These seem to be more and more common lately. Pretty much life with a 7 year old, a toddler, and a baby). Mr. Hubby had to work some basketball games, so I was tackling everything solo tonight.
After getting off  work, a quick run to the post office, and getting Landon some new shoes, we went to pick up the babies. I was so excited to see Easton because his sitter had texted me that his two bottom teeth had finally come in. I feel like he's been teething since he was around 3 months old, so I was so excited that they finally came through! He's growing up so fast... I know that in no time, my last baby won't seem like a baby anymore. Another milestone in the books.
Luckily, I had dinner all ready in the crock pot (lifesaver on busy days like this) and of course none of the kids wanted to eat it. Cayson decided it would be better to wear it than eat it, so the little stinker poured the dinner all over his lap. In went the fish sticks in the oven after I tried my best to clean all of the beans and rice off of my toddler. Meanwhile, Easton was in his highchair screaming. He was apparently hungry too. Now, I've been trying to give him a variety of different foods, and so far, he hates anything green. We've tried green beans, peas, and tonight's mixture of peas, spinach and carrots, and it was a complete no-go. He pretty much put it in his mouth and tried to not swallow it. I couldn't help but laugh.  He loves his fruits though, maybe one day he'll grow to like something green.

The rest of the night was a mixture an crying, tantrums, chasing after a one year old trying to brush his teeth, and telling the 7-year old to turn the t.v. down. But hey, I survived!
I think that the rest of this week is going to be pretty busy. We have a meeting with a builder on Thursday which we're pretty excited about. He's going to give us the final numbers on how much our house will cost to build. We're hoping and praying that the cost will be low enough that we can move forward with selling our house and getting this whole dream home building thing started.  I'm nervous about the cost of building a house, I'm worried about trying to sell our house with three kiddos, and of course trying to find a place to live after that. But, I'm trying not worry, and just tackle everything one step at a time. That's all you can really do right?!

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