Mr. Hubby was asked to drive the girl's drill team to Galveston. He couldn't pass up the opportunity. Not only did he get paid, but almost all of his expenses were covered also. Pretty sweet deal huh?! So of course, Landon and I decided that we needed to make this a family event, and we tagged along too.
So on Tuesday, we loaded up my new car (will tell you about that later!), and hit the road! It was a pretty long trip. Mr. Hubby's bus could only go a max of 55 mph. Thankfully I was able to follow him. I have absolutely NO sense of direction whatsoever! It's actually a little embarrassing. I can get so turned around, and have no idea where I am. I even use the GPS in town, and I've lived here since I was six! Plus it's a small town. SO so embarrassing. But anyway, it took about five hours to get there including the few stops that we made.
I was sooooo worried about how Landon was going to do on this long trip. He's been super whiny in the car lately, and this was the longest drive that we had ever taken him on. Plus, it was just me and him. If he got upset, I wouldn't be able to sit in the back and take care of him. I was SUPER nervous!!!
My baby boy didn't let me down though. He was an absolute angel. He slept the entire trip, and didn't give me any trouble at all.
After we finally made it to Galveston, we headed to the beach since we weren't able to check into our hotel. We had so much fun taking Landon to the beach for the first time!
After we got checked into our hotel, The Moody Gardens Hotel and Spa (FOR FREE! yay), we headed for some dinner at Joe's Crab Shack. Landon was happy, but a little tired. Apparently my baby has become very sensitive to loud noises because his little lip poked out every time a loud siren passed by, or people clapped and cheered. Poor baby! Other than that, he was one happy boy.
First day of vacation = success!
The next day, we ate a yummy breakfast at IHOP, and then headed to the Aquarium Pyramid at Moody Gardens. If you've never been to Moody Gardens, you should! It's so fun! They have three pyramids there with some pretty cool stuff. I had never been to the Aquarium there, so we decided to show Landon some fishies!

Overall, we had such a great trip. Lots, of beach fun, restaurants, a little pool time, exploring sea life, and lots of ice cream runs. PLUS as a special treat, Landon even let mommy and daddy sleep until 9 am! Our first trip with our little boy. I have to say that I love him more than ever. It's so wonderful to have a little family, and show him new things! Even though it was a small, little, mini-vaca. I know that it'll be a vacation that I'll never forget.
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