So another year is already over! Who would have thought that it would fly by so fast!? I looked over my New Year’s resolutions, and I didn’t do that bad! Except for the “blog more” one. It always seemed to just take a back seat to everything else. But looking over my past posts, it made me wish that I would have taken time for it. 2012 was a wonderful year for me. It was packed full of change, adventure, and challenges. I’ve learned a whole heck of a lot about myself this year. So let’s remember some of the highlights of that year!
Landon’s birthday was the biggest event of this month! I had been anticipating and planning his party for over 6 months. It turned out to be everything I imagined and MORE!
I decided to go with a sock monkey theme, and it turned out so cute! Here’s some of the party décor…

And here was the adorable birthday boy himself!!!

What a great day that was!!!
Jonathan turned 28 and I turned 29. My last year in my 20’s, so sad!!
We also spent our last month in the little apartment next to my inlaw’s house.

We closed and moved into our new house during Spring Break! Yay!!! It was so nice to have more space again and create some new memories!

This is also the month that Landon had to get tubes in his ears and also an adenoidectomy. He had to be put under, and it was a little scary. He did great though. It was hard when he was coming out of the anesthesia, but after an afternoon of sleep, he was much better!!!

Landon was getting so much personality!!! Its amazing how fast he’s grown. He was also starting to do great using his little walker.

Landon’s second Easter. WOW!!! Already the second!! This one was a little more fun!

Landon was also starting to try to take steps on his own!

Easter basket from mommy and daddy

Once we had gotten most everything unpacked. We invited our friends over for a crawfish boil at our new place!

Landon also perfected his utensil skills!

He also got his first black eye. He fell into a bookshelf at daycare… it looked so pitiful!

Landon really started walking!!! What a big boy! We waited forever, but the day he turned 15 months… he started to walk.

In May, we took advantage of the summer heat, and got Landon a water table to play in. That provided hours of fun!

Then, the biggest change of all for me…. I accepted a job as a Kindergarten teacher for Douglass ISD. It was a hard change. I love routine, and I hate change! I knew in the end, that it was the best choice for me and my family. So I packed up my 1st grade classroom at Thomas J. Rusk Elementary, and became an official Douglass Indian.

We also took our first family pictures.

Jonathan’s 2nd Father’s Day: We were so excited to celebrate! We made daddy a few special Father’s Day pictures.

There’s no denying that that little boy loves his daddy. He was in a MAJOR daddy phase. It was the sweetest thing.

We also went on our 2nd annual Galveston trip. We took Landon last year and had a BLAST… this year wasn’t quite as wonderful. I got pink eye a few days before we left, was sick, and it seemed like anything that could go wrong, DID. But looking back, I’m still glad that we got to go and have those memories.
Landon was NOT as impressed with the beach as we thought he would be… all he wanted to do was sit in this chair. But it was pretty cold and windy that day. The sky was overcast… yes, I said COLD and windy, in June, in Texas. Go figure.

Landon had his 2nd 4th of July! Crazy how this kiddo had changed since last year.

I also started my new journey as a Thirty-One consultant. This turned out to be such a blessing, and has really made me grow as a person. Plus, who doesn’t love bags??!!

Summer began to wind down, and I got busy in my classroom. Landon started back to daycare. It was a crazy month!! Enough said. lol I became a Kindergarten teacher, and started probably one of the best school years of my life.

Landon is up from his nap… he looks a lot like this!! hehe So I’ll continue this little post after he goes to bed!!