Sunday, February 12, 2012

Christmas Catch-up

Wow, I haven’t been very good at keeping up with my blogging New Year’s resolution. Ah well.. it happens!

I figured I should probably catch myself up, and blog about everything that’s happened lately! I’ve either been too busy, or just too dang tired to really post much this past month and a half.

So let’s start off with our first Christmas as a family of THREE! Landon wasn’t in the best of moods… and we decided to go ahead and open gifts on Christmas Eve (which I actually LOVED! New tradition maybe??)

opening present


Landon wasn’t nearly as interested in opening presents as I’d hoped. But it was still fun. He did enjoy the paper though!

Here’s my sweetie after his bath in his Christmas jammies!

cutie in jammies

can u say adorable



openingsome more

Here’s Mr. Hubby opening up some Christmas goodies!

the hubs

And Papa too!


Here’s me with my new shades…


I think someone loves opening presents on Christmas Eve!

yay for christmas

After presents, we had some fun dancing on the Wii! Mr. Hubby was such a total pro. He was wayyyy better than me!! Look at those moves…





On Christmas day, we got up early and opened more presents. Mr. Hubby got me a new, awesome camera that I really wanted, and I had so much fun snapping away!


Landon had hit himself pretty badly on the nose the day before, and his bruise really started to show.



Opening his first present on Christmas morning.




Then we headed over to Mia’s house to open stockings. He got a Christmas sock monkey!






I don’t really think Landon had a clue about what was going on! But he really racked up!

Friday, January 13, 2012


Okay 2012, what a whirlwind of a year you are already turning out to be, and it’s only the 13th of January!!! If this is any indication of what’s to come in the rest of the year… then woah… I better get ready for lots of surprises!

So, Mr. Hubby and I terminated our contract on our new house today. Shocking, I know!!! All was wonderful until the inspection. Now I seriously didn’t think twice about the inspection. It was pretty much just something that we needed to do, but I wasn’t worried at all. After all, it was a new house. How much could be wrong? Well, four hours later, we realized that there was A LOT!!! The inspector was chuckling to himself (NEVER a good sign!!!) about some of the mistakes that were made… and after a closer inspection from Mr. Hubby and I, we realized that the house was not the quality that we thought it was. When we really started looking, there were major imperfections everywhere. Normally not a big deal, but it made us wonder what else could be wrong that you couldn’t see.

We were still willing to move forward with the house if the defects were fixed…. but.. that didn’t go like we were hoping either. There were just too many things that we didn’t like about it. And in the end… the things that we didn’t like were starting to outweigh the things that we did like… so we backed out.

But then I saw the most perfect house!!! I’m not going to say much about it yet… because I don’t want to jinx anything, but I seriously hope that we get this one. It’s perfect. There are so many things that I love about it! I can see us there for a long time, and I want this house so bad!!!! We will “officially” put in our offer on Sunday. Cross your fingers that they accept!!!

On Landon news, I talked to the director of the daycare last week about when Landon would move up to the one year old room. She said that they usually try to transition them a few weeks before, but she wasn’t sure if they’d be able to do that with my little one. He doesn’t like change, and she was pretty sure they would just have to put him in cold turkey. He’s very attached to his daycare teacher, and I know it’s going to be so hard for him. That’s one trait of mine that I was hoping that he wouldn’t get… my dislike of change. I struggle with it. I feel like it’s held me back, and I don’t want it to hold Landon back! But, it seems that my baby is a little more like me in some ways than I thought.

They also said that Landon was very stubborn, and when he has his mind set on something, then its hard to change it. She said, “If Landon decides he wants to be a doctor one day, you better just start saving up for medical school right away, because that’s what he’s going to do, and you won’t be able to change his mind.” Oh dear, I have a feeling that we’re going to have an interesting road ahead of us. Landon’s supposedly set to start the one year old room on February 1st.

Earlier this week, Landon really showed me how much he hates change. His blow up rubber ducky bathtub has officially gotten a hole in it, and bit the dust. We figured it was probably time  to just let him take a bath in the regular bathtub. We put a bath mat down so that he wouldn’t slide and I thought he’d have so much fun. He loves his baths. So anyway, I set him down in the tub and he FREAKED OUT! I mean, jumped up, screaming and crying, and grabbing me. I yanked him out of the bathtub and he hugged me so tight and wouldn’t let go, like he was absolutely terrified.

This was total mommy moment. On one hand, I was shocked about his reaction, and on the other… I loved how he was hugging me so tight and laying his little head on me. *SIGH* It was probably the best moment all week! lol How sad is that?! But really… I love that he felt safe in my arms. To me, that’s what being a mommy is all about. *LOVE*!!!!

In the one year old room, the babies, I mean toddlers,  *SAD FACE!!!* only use sippy cups, and drink regular milk. We finally found a sippy cup that Landon will drink out of. He loves the ones with the straws. And he loves regular milk too. We started doing half formula and half milk. He’s also been really good at eating what we eat. He totally attacked a plate of spaghetti this week, and did such a great job!!!


spaghetti 2

spaghetti 3

Landon’s also been waking up bright and early (5:30am to be exact) and making it so hard for mommy to get ready!!!!


I’m trying to get ready, and he’s into absolutely everything!!! I don’t know what else to do with him though. If I take my eye off of him for a second, he’s crawling right for something that I don’t want him to get to.  You need to sleep child, and let mommy get ready for work! But I love ya anyway. To the moon and back!


One week and one day until his birthday… Can’t believe it.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My New Years To-Do’s, Resolutions, Goals, or whatever you wanna call them!


It’s that time of year again! Now, I know making resolutions can be a little pointless. I mean, how many of them do I actually accomplish from year to year…. well… it’s hard to say. But I do love how every year starts of with the best of intentions! It really is like a whole new beginning.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my resolutions and goals for this year, and I’ve got quite of few of them that I am going to try very hard to tackle. So here they are… in no particular order..

* Be a better wife to Mr. Hubby. – I have to admit that 2011 was a challenge for me as a wife. It’s pretty dang hard to balance a husband and a baby. Both require so much attention! lol But this year, I really need to make sure that my marriage and husband come first.

*Be more organized!!! – I’d like to be more organized in almost every aspect of my life. I hate getting bogged down in clutter, but it seems to build up so quickly! It can really get a little overwhelming sometimes. I found this amazing blog that I think will help a bunch! It’s called The Nest Effect, and it’s pretty dang awesome.

*Cook more, and eat out no more than once a week - This is going to be a really hard challenge for me, but very important. I pretty much don’t cook. It’s not that I can’t, it’s just that I lack some basic skills, and I’m always worried that it’s not going to turn out right. But with Landon wanting to eat whatever we eat like a little baby bird, I’ve really got to get on top of my game. I’m going to be the queen of cooking this year. My plan of attack is to meal plan and grocery shop every Sunday for the week. I hope I can keep it up.

*Have more patience – Pretty self explanatory. I’d especially like to have more patience with Landon.

*Be more frugal. – I’d love to be a coupon clipping, money saving, deal finding mama. I know that this is probably a little bit much for a beginning, so I’m just going to make an effort to find more deals, and save more money.

*Waste less.

*Be better with money. – Sadly, I still have some bad money decisions haunting me from my college days. I hate it, and I’m determined to fix it.

*Blog more often! – Since blogging is my little way of remember my life, and eventually going to be a blog book one day, I really need to do it more often. I’d like to start blogging about recipes, and organization too one day. I have a classroom blog that I haven’t touched in months, so I need to work on that too!

*Make more crafts. – This one may seem a little strange, but I love to get crafty. It’s amazing to create something, and I enjoy it so much. I need to do it more.

*Get better at photography-

*The usuals- The usuals are ya know, eat better, exercise more, blah blah blah.

Here’s another sign that captures some more goals for the new year.


That’s about it!!! Okay 2012, I’m ready for you!!! Bring. It. On.!

Out with the old, and in with the new!

It’s officially the first day of 2012. I really can’t believe that 2011 is over already. I’d have to say that it feels like one of the fastest years ever!

This past year was very life-changing to say the least. It all began with the birth of our son Landon on January 21st. Wow, becoming a parent really changes your prospective on the world. Things that I used to have time for have fallen by the waste side, and replaced with love excitement and adventure of all things baby.


We also sold our first house this year. It was bittersweet to say the least, sad to leave the place with so many memories, but then happy at the prospect of new ones!


And that’s when our little family of three moved to a little one bedroom, one bathroom apartment next to my in laws. That was quite an adjustment! But we happily paid off bills and enjoyed our little bit of space. Not to mention my mother in law’s amazing cooking! I’d say we’ve made quite a few memories there too.


So, one last big event of 2011, we decided to make an offer on a new house. The next day, on December 31st, our offer was accepted!!! Looks like we’ll be starting 2012 off in a brand new house! I am so thrilled! I’d say we ended 2011 with a bang! Can’t wait to see what all 2012 has in store!!!
