Okay 2012, what a whirlwind of a year you are already turning out to be, and it’s only the 13th of January!!! If this is any indication of what’s to come in the rest of the year… then woah… I better get ready for lots of surprises!
So, Mr. Hubby and I terminated our contract on our new house today. Shocking, I know!!! All was wonderful until the inspection. Now I seriously didn’t think twice about the inspection. It was pretty much just something that we needed to do, but I wasn’t worried at all. After all, it was a new house. How much could be wrong? Well, four hours later, we realized that there was A LOT!!! The inspector was chuckling to himself (NEVER a good sign!!!) about some of the mistakes that were made… and after a closer inspection from Mr. Hubby and I, we realized that the house was not the quality that we thought it was. When we really started looking, there were major imperfections everywhere. Normally not a big deal, but it made us wonder what else could be wrong that you couldn’t see.
We were still willing to move forward with the house if the defects were fixed…. but.. that didn’t go like we were hoping either. There were just too many things that we didn’t like about it. And in the end… the things that we didn’t like were starting to outweigh the things that we did like… so we backed out.
But then I saw the most perfect house!!! I’m not going to say much about it yet… because I don’t want to jinx anything, but I seriously hope that we get this one. It’s perfect. There are so many things that I love about it! I can see us there for a long time, and I want this house so bad!!!! We will “officially” put in our offer on Sunday. Cross your fingers that they accept!!!
On Landon news, I talked to the director of the daycare last week about when Landon would move up to the one year old room. She said that they usually try to transition them a few weeks before, but she wasn’t sure if they’d be able to do that with my little one. He doesn’t like change, and she was pretty sure they would just have to put him in cold turkey. He’s very attached to his daycare teacher, and I know it’s going to be so hard for him. That’s one trait of mine that I was hoping that he wouldn’t get… my dislike of change. I struggle with it. I feel like it’s held me back, and I don’t want it to hold Landon back! But, it seems that my baby is a little more like me in some ways than I thought.
They also said that Landon was very stubborn, and when he has his mind set on something, then its hard to change it. She said, “If Landon decides he wants to be a doctor one day, you better just start saving up for medical school right away, because that’s what he’s going to do, and you won’t be able to change his mind.” Oh dear, I have a feeling that we’re going to have an interesting road ahead of us. Landon’s supposedly set to start the one year old room on February 1st.
Earlier this week, Landon really showed me how much he hates change. His blow up rubber ducky bathtub has officially gotten a hole in it, and bit the dust. We figured it was probably time to just let him take a bath in the regular bathtub. We put a bath mat down so that he wouldn’t slide and I thought he’d have so much fun. He loves his baths. So anyway, I set him down in the tub and he FREAKED OUT! I mean, jumped up, screaming and crying, and grabbing me. I yanked him out of the bathtub and he hugged me so tight and wouldn’t let go, like he was absolutely terrified.
This was total mommy moment. On one hand, I was shocked about his reaction, and on the other… I loved how he was hugging me so tight and laying his little head on me. *SIGH* It was probably the best moment all week! lol How sad is that?! But really… I love that he felt safe in my arms. To me, that’s what being a mommy is all about. *LOVE*!!!!
In the one year old room, the babies, I mean toddlers, *SAD FACE!!!* only use sippy cups, and drink regular milk. We finally found a sippy cup that Landon will drink out of. He loves the ones with the straws. And he loves regular milk too. We started doing half formula and half milk. He’s also been really good at eating what we eat. He totally attacked a plate of spaghetti this week, and did such a great job!!!

Landon’s also been waking up bright and early (5:30am to be exact) and making it so hard for mommy to get ready!!!!

I’m trying to get ready, and he’s into absolutely everything!!! I don’t know what else to do with him though. If I take my eye off of him for a second, he’s crawling right for something that I don’t want him to get to. You need to sleep child, and let mommy get ready for work! But I love ya anyway. To the moon and back!

One week and one day until his birthday… Can’t believe it.