Saturday, August 20, 2011

Balancing Act

As usual, I’ve felt like I’ve been on the go! School starts Monday and I can’t believe a new school year is already here! This year has definitely been very different from the past five years. I have a baby boy now to take care of on top of my classroom, and it’s been a huge challenge for me!

My to-do list just seems to grow more and more every day, and my priorities have definitely shifted. It’s a constant struggle to get things done at school, but not take away any mommy time from Landon. Plus keeping the house clean, and everything else! I’m managing though, and I don’t want to miss one minute of time with my baby. ‘

I’ve got to say that I am one proud mama! Landon is always greeted with smiles at daycare, and I’ve had several daycare teachers tell me that they look forward to him coming every day. They say that he is such a happy baby, so cute, and they just love him! One teacher volunteered to babysit him if we ever needed her. My baby boy is just so perfect and too cute for words. His laugh and his smile are so infectious and I just love him to pieces!


I had some 6 month pics taken of him last weekend and they turned out so cute! Check them out, he’s adorable!

One of my faves!! Look at that face!





It was hot, and he wasn’t feeling very well poor baby! He had enough!








I love you so much Landon, to the moon and back!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Go to sleep.. go to sleep..

My baby boy is fussing as I type this and it is 11pm! Why in the world is he still awake?! Well, it’s probably my fault… He didn’t get a nap this evening, and ended up falling asleep at 7pm. I didn’t have the heart to wake him up, so I’m paying for it now!

Mr. Hubby is away for the weekend at another bachelor party, and Landon and I are on our own. The plan is to get up early tomorrow morning, and go shopping! I’ve got to get Landon some cute clothes for his 6 month photo shoot on Sunday (can’t wait!). If this little stinker doesn’t fall asleep soon, it’s going to be a lonnng day for us tomorrow!

Crossing my fingers I can find some adorable things for Landon tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The craziness that is my life :)

Ahhh It’s been forever since I’ve updated! I’m so bad. Last week was absolutely crazy! I had to pack up everything to move in less than a week, move into our new place, work in my classroom, and send Landon off to daycare for the first time. Can you say exhausting?! Well I made it through it, and things are starting to calm down just a little. !

I’m happy to say that Landon and I both made it through his first week of daycare. That first day was so hard! I handed him over and he didn’t shed one tear. I unfortunately shed a few in the car on the way home. I was so ready to turn right back around and pick my baby back up.

When I went to pick him up, they said that he had a great day. I was so relieved! He really seems to like daycare, which makes this mama feel so much better about the whole thing!

Here is all of Landon’s stuff all ready for daycare. I was so excited to use all of his new labels!


And mommy and Landon that morning.


Such a big boy! I’m very proud of him!



After his first day was over and done, Mr. Hubby and I started getting all packed up! I don’t know about you, but packing is one of my LEAST favorite things to do. We managed to get it all done in time though!


What a week! I’m glad it’s all over and our new apartment is starting to really feel like home now.

Landon had a great time moving and playing with the boxes afterwards!




Oh to be so easily entertained!